enter "hope rodeo" to reveal

hey -
let's start something new together.
dm me about a project, thought, hallucination, or just to say hi.
xx marisa
** tolerated
let's start something new together.
- about hope rodeo in my words
- about hope rodeo in other people's words
dm me about a project, thought, hallucination, or just to say hi.
text me*: (332) 203 - 2342
email me**: marisa@hope.rodeo
xx marisa
** tolerated
✧ about hope rodeo in other people’s words ✧
“Marisa has a unique synthesis of good taste, sensitivity to product clarity, empathy for the user and the desire to work with intensity. What more do you want? She helped us make the difficult shift from being purely a research-oriented software org to being totally focused on product. Her careful attention to detail and user focus were super impactful.
Marisa is great fun to work with and introduced us to nootropics we never knew existed. We didn't know what peak performance really was until we met her.”
Marisa is great fun to work with and introduced us to nootropics we never knew existed. We didn't know what peak performance really was until we met her.”
- Galen Wolfe-Pauly, CEO of Tlon Corporation, an Urbit company
“It's only a slight exaggeration that the only reason my last company had investors or customers was from the profound work Marisa did. Like a true first hire she touched everything from branding and identity, user research and product design, engineering management, and old-fashioned deal closing. And she made it fun! All that magic lives on in the many artifacts of her time: logos and colors and fonts and apps and the lighthouse customers that shaped our product roadmap. She's really top of the list of my A-team.”
- Adam Wolf, Previous CEO of Eion and Arable Labs
“Marisa is a well-rounded, multi-disciplinary product thinker and designer. She excels in working with early-stage companies where she's able to take abstract ideas and turn them into concrete deliverables from pitch decks to marketing campaigns and product specs to elegant interfaces.”
- Deny Khoung, Design Leader at 8VC
“What makes Marisa unique is not just that she has a sharp sense of what makes great products, nor that she’s an incredibly curious thinker about how great products sit within the broader waters of culture, community, and trends. The special part comes into play when you realize that she’s synthesizing those two qualities together with a firm grasp on how those two elements — products and people — are the building blocks for great businesses.”
- Jose Mejia, CEO of SceneInfra
“Marisa is creative, thoughtful, and crafts impactful narratives, on paper and IRL. She combines a unique and personal aesthetic sensibility with clear-eyed pragmatism, and I found her extremely easy to work with.”
- Sasha Chapin, author, coach, and perfume enthusiast
“Marisa is a rare combo of raw intelligence and refined taste. You can trust her with software, hardware, and the creation of holy artifacts. My favorite trench coat shares her middle name, hope, which says all you need to know about the imprint she'll make on you.”
- Gabe Tumlos, CEO of Daisy